Downtown Neighbourhood Forum re: multi-purpose development
Sunday, April 7, 2024 (1:00 PM - 3:00 PM) (PDT)
You are cordially invited to join us at a Downtown Neighbourhood Forum hosted by Reframe Concepts in partnership with Triumph Coffee. The Neighbourhood Forum will be an opportunity for you to learn more about a multi-purpose development opportunity being explored on behalf of a local social purpose, non-profit landowner. We understand that this development has the potential to impact our neighbourhood and businesses in a positive way and we value your input and perspective. You will be encouraged to ask any questions you may have. The team at Reframe Concepts have planned this opportunity to provide a forum for open dialogue and to listen to your hopes, dreams, worries, and fears for our neighbourhood. This feedback will be part of a report created for the social purpose landowner, helping to create context and to give them an opportunity to do their part, to address some of these needs. We hope you will join us on Sunday April 7th from 1pm – 3pm (drop in at your leisure) at Triumph Coffee (3401, 30th Ave.), to learn more about this exciting opportunity. Free coffee and refreshments will be provided, and the team at Reframe Concepts look forward to meeting you and discussing this project further. Learn more about Reframe Concepts through their website:
3401 30th Avenue
Vernon, BC V1T 2E3 Canada